Knowing When to Repair or Replace Your Dishwasher

The dishwasher is something that we all use, and if you’re reading this, then you’re probably debating whether or not you need to repair your dishwasher or just replace it completely.

Here at Just Fixed, we fix dishwashers. However, after a certain point, there is merit to simply buying a new product, especially when the cost of fixing the old one well far exceeds the benefits of keeping it.

Let’s take a look at the key factor for deciding whether or not you need to replace or repair a dishwasher.

The Age

Age is pretty much everything when it comes to a dishwasher. It’s important to know that the age of the machine will contribute directly to the repairs needed.

For example, if you have a dishwasher that is more than 10 years old, then it’s most likely that it might need to be replaced rather than repaired. However, just because it’s older doesn’t automatically rule it out.

Quite a few older dishwashers are made from stainless steel, which means that they can keep going for a while. However, if your machine is more than 15 years old, it is worth talking to a professional about the merits of just replacing it.

Less Than 10 Years Old

So, if your machine is less than 10 years old, then you’re more likely to notice that repairs are starting to prop up more. It becomes important to just take good care of the dishwasher.

You’re going to notice that if you don’t clear the plates properly, and you don’t stack it right, you will need to have more repairs done. You need to replace the filters, make sure that the water is emptied properly, and just conduct basic maintenance. It makes all the difference.

Less Than 5 Years Old

If your dishwasher is less than five years old, that it hasn’t had the time to build up the problems that older models will have had. The majority of problems will therefore come from not keeping it properly maintained or clean.

Generally speaking, it can be very important to make sure that you remove all the food and debris from the plates and cutlery before you load them into the dishwasher. Small pieces of food can clog up the machine and can cause dishes to come out half-washed, or even dirty still.

If these areas are blocked, then you might need to remove parts of them and clean them out underneath the tap. Don’t try and use anything metal though, because you could damage the components.

Less Than 2 Years Old

If your dishwasher is less than two years old, and you notice a fault, then it might still be covered by the warranty. You would have to contact the manufacturer individually and ask them about this, but if there is a problem, they would fix it for you.

Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us. We would be more than happy to repair the damage for you, as we have considerable experience in this arena, but obviously we would have to deal with each problem on a case-by-case basis to identify the best course of action for you.

Infrequent Usage

You might not know this, but infrequent usage can actually be one of the leading causes for dishwasher problems. You may not use your dishwasher every day, but you need to make sure that you use it at least once a week. This will help to keep everything running smoothly. You also need to make sure that you take the time to use a descaler for all of the big problems.

DIY Jobs

Knowing whether or not you could fix the machine for yourself might make all the difference between needing to repair or replace it. In the old days, it was quite easy to repair appliances because they had a relatively simple design that was accessible by everybody. If you had the right tools, you could usually have a go.

Unfortunately, this isn’t quite the case today. You will discover that it’s a lot more difficult to get into the machine to start repairing it, and if you’re not a professional, you may struggle. The thing about making a repair is that you have to be able to diagnose the problem in order to take a crack at repairing it. This is a lot harder than it used to be, owing to the fact that these machines are much more complex than they were in the past.

Another compounding factor that you should probably keep in mind as to when it comes to trying to make a repair, there is a health and safety element to keep in mind. Water and electricity do not mix well, and the end result is often quite dangerous. It’s all well and good trying to make a repair, and if you do feel like you have a reasonable level of competence, it’s worth having a go, but you have to be careful to follow all the proper health and safety protocols before you start fiddling with the machine.

Final Thoughts

Knowing whether or not you should repair or replace your dishwasher will depend a lot on the age of it.

There are many situations where it’s just easier to throw it away and start again, but a professional will be able to give you plenty of options. Generally speaking, you are probably going to want to avoid trying to make repairs and fix things for yourself, because machines have progressed to the point that only a real professional is going to be able to safely and effectively solve the problem.

When dealing with all the machines, it can often be far more effective to just let them go. After a certain point, when we factor in the cost of sourcing new parts, and the overall quality of the machinery, it’s not cost-effective to repair an older device. If this happens, there is always a far more efficient, newer model to choose from.