Beko Washing Machine Error Codes – Your Guide

A Beko washing machine is prone to faults and errors much like any other kind of device. However, this gets counterbalanced by the idea that you can receive information from the washing machine which tells you all about the different errors that you’re going to need to understand. To make sure that you’re getting the most from your system, we’ll be taking a look at some of these Beko codes here.

Error Codes E1 – E3

E1 – E3 form the first set of codes that you’re going to learn about, although we’ve just grouped them for simplicity.

E1 tells you that there’s an NTC error detected. This problem requires you to check the wiring and thermistor to find out which is faulty. E2 is an error with the heating. This issue presents itself as an issue when testing the resistance of the heater, checking the wiring and also the main module. Finally, E3 is a problem with constant heating and can pose a potential risk to your clothing.

Error Codes E4 to E7

We’re going to carry on grouping the Beko codes, so first, we’ll take a look at E4. Error code E4 is what you’ll see when the Beko dishwasher is constantly discharging and then refilling water. It’s an unfortunate problem and requires a professional to put right.  Error code E5 is also one to keep an eye on because it shows you that there’s a drain problem. The water isn’t draining in the way it should, and this can affect your washing. The next code is E6 and is a motor fault. This problem isn’t one you can fix by yourself, so you’ll need to get a professional. The final code of the lineup, E7, is a level sensor problem and should be handled with care.

E8 – E11 – The Penultimate Codes

In our groups of Beko codes, these are among the last. E8 means there’s a failure to fill the machine with water, E9 shows a problem with the door lock, E10 is a general door error and displays a jam. Lastly, you’ve got a motor error detected in the form of E11.

Beko Washing Machine

E17 and E18 – What Remains

E17 is too much foam in your machine and is a sign that you’ll need to cut down your detergent. And last but by no means least, E18 is an unbalanced load and showcases an error in the balance of washing, so you just need to redistribute the weight.